Wednesday, 27 April 2011

The Karass by Nick Knight.
This video is amazing. It is the perfect video that is exploring the thin line between still photography and the moving image. By shooting in a dark studio and covering parts of the model that he doesn't want the viewer to see he is able to light up the parts of the video which as much colour and he visions to create this beautiful imagery. The way he layers up the videos isn't something that I have seen before and hopefully I will have access to programs where I will be able to go into more depth of video editing and achieve something similar to this.
The lighting in the picture is stunning; the way he changes the colours and the levels to create slightly different ways of looking at the same model reminds us that there are three different depcitions of the imagery. As they are advertising jewellery in this video you can understand the reason behind all the points I have stated above.
It's almost as if he is capturing three different emotions through the three seperate depictions which is a very inetersting way to look at the video. Could this be something I could move into myself? Not only looking at the thin line between still and moving imagery but all looking at the small differences we can capture in emotion.

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