Wednesday, 27 April 2011

As I have previously written, this whole concept of the moving image is very new to me but I feel like I'm working my way up to something exciting and new. With powerful inspiration from the artist Irwin Barbe I want to start playing with the footage to create breaks, jumps and an interesting final product. The way his work jumps and repeats makes his work so intriguing to watch and almost puts you into a trance. This is what I want to achieve within my own work. I want to create videos that make people question what they are watching, to create thought and interest.
The clip below is some of the footage that I have put together from shooting in Blackpool. I found this set of imagery much harder and more complicated to work with and put together because none of the work I have ever done has been particulary uplifting which is the emotion I wanted to portray in this video. With much more upbeat music and a lot more colour involved I decided to shoot in Blackpool where the tacky arcades and fish restaurants are endless. Blackpool is the type of place where the history of laughter and fun is slowly fading away through the bad paint jobs and terrible neon signs. Perfect. This location would have worked perfectly had I chosen to put together a melancholy piece but I need to explore many different types of video to decifer what kind of emotion I was going to choose to carry on into the final stages of my project.
I'm not overall happy with what I have put together so far from this footage. I feel like it's lacking something; that special something that makes you think 'wow I love this'. Although this is only the first part of this piece and I need to really work and work on it to be pleased with what I have done for this piece. I need to rework a lot of the footage and put it together differently, maybe by taking more obvious inspiration from Barbe and editting my footage in a much more jumpy fashion; just to add that little bit of an edge. At the end of the video from around 1:23/1:34 I feel like the inspiration I have taken from Barbe for this piece is much more obvious, therefore I feel this part is a much more powerful section of the piece.
When I have finished this video I'm going to move on quickly I need to decide what route I want to follow. Although the two videos I have done so far are so different they also have similar qualities: the hand held filming, the manual focusing and the simple focus on people and their emotions. Those three qualities are things that I definitely want to continue throughout this project but I need to decide which kind of emotion I want to follow through. With more practice and exploration I will hopefully end up in the perfect location with a web of ideas to dive into.

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