Tuesday, 3 January 2012


I started to think about what I was doing with my work and realised I wasn't doing anywhere near enough. I wasn't sure where I was going or why I was even doing the work that I was doing. Why was I photographing this one boy? Was it because I thought it would be an easy subject? The truth is, I had no idea what to do with this first project. I'm not into fine art at all so this project has been a real struggle from the start but I'm not doing my art foundation course anymore and I've got to do this myself. I knew that by photographing Sam, he would be available whenever I needed him to be and I know that he looks good on camera. This obviously wasn't a good enough reason. I couldn't just photograph someone because I know they would look good on camera, but unfortunately I'm so used to doing fashion photography that I'm ignorant to the fact that there's more to photography than people looking fantastic. 
Although one thing that I've learned from looking at artists like Nan Goldin is that those people are not random people who have been caught in the moment. They knew she was photographing them; for all we know, they didn't start off as her friends, they started off as people she was employing to photograph. This of course, is just an idea. I'm sure Goldin is just as real as every other artist. 
Therefore I believe it is okay to pick and choose who I want to photograph, whether it's because I like the way they look or whether I don't like the way they look. As long as they fit into the idea and concept that I want to capture then that's fine by me. 
With my model Sam, ignoring the fact that he's available and easy to photograph is that realistically he is a boy growing into a man. This is what I wanted to capture, events of a boy becoming a man. It's the perfect time in his life to capture him on camera because he has just moved from the home he has lived in from being a child, to a new city, not knowing anyone and practically doing everything by himself. Something that everyone goes through at one point in there life. I want to capture the different kind of emotions and create a case study about this one person. 

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