Monday, 7 November 2011

Crit Feedback

I need to decide which route I want to go down after the crit today. Nan Goldin pretends she is a fly on the wall when realistically, why would anyone let someone photograph them shagging if they didn't know she was there and so on..? She has to put herself in these shocking positions and find situations where she is welcome. 
Do I want to go down the route like Diane A where people can look at the camera and engage or do I want to do a Goldin and be anonymous? How shocking do I want the images to be? I could explore much more intimate imagery with Sam to show how strong the relationship between the subject and the photographer is. I couls also shoot from strange angles like I am looking down on the subject or through a window and so on to become that fly on the wall. 

Artists to look at - 
Nan Goldin 
Diane A
Richard Billingham.

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